Friday, February 25, 2011

The big story of spring training, 1973, was that Yankee pitchers Mike Kekich and Fritz Peterson, who had been teammates and friends since 1969, had gone the free-swinging '60s sexual revolution one better -- they had not only swapped wives, they had, as Kekich said, swapped lives.

It began in 1972, when the couples, on a double-date, joked about wife-swapping. A while later the joke became reality, as Marilyn Peterson and Susan Kekich sometimes switched beds. Finally, during the offseason, Mike moved in with Marilyn, and Fritz moved in with Susan. They had swapped it all -- wives, houses, cars and kids.

Before long, Mike and Marilyn split, but Susan and Fritz got married in 1974. The upcoming Ben Affleck and Matt Damon film, "The Trade," which aims to recount the 1970's. "The Trade," which is being rewritten by Ben and Casey Affleck, will be based on the events and aftermath of the scandal.

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